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More about Roy J. Akers
Roy started his broadcasting career in 1985 after graduating from MSU. He has been with Comcast Sports, Midwest Sports Scene, Detroit Sports Media, The Oakland Press and Skyview Sports. In the middle of all this, I taught school for about 20 years and retired in the middle of my broadcasting/sports career. I know how to tell a story and in multiple formats. This includes video, photo and writing.
I know how to tell a story and have met and interviewed hundreds of everyday people, celebrities and professional athletes. How about the fortune to interview, Jack Nicklaus, AJ Foyt, HOF Tigers manager Jim Leyland, Al Kaline, PBA bowler Earl Anthony, Martina Navratilova/Chris Evert, and hundreds more. Researching stories before reporting on them and letting who is interviewed have their say is a hallmark of my reporting. Need to contact me, call 248-238-4449 or email me at roy@wwwskyviewsports.net .
Roy is a member of the National Motorsports Press Association

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